how to thrive at being a stay at home mom

How To Thrive At Being A Stay-At-Home-Mom

When I first became a stay-at-home mom, I really struggled as I had an β€œidea” of what it was going to be like and it was VERY different from what I expected.Β  Mainly because I thought I would have more downtime and it turned out to be so much more work than what I had envisioned.

How To Thrive At Being A Stay-At-Home-Mom



Also, as an introvert,Β  it was easy to not have a large amount of interaction with other adults initially.Β  I never struggled with feeling like all day I talked to a baby and was stuck inside of 4 walls. Although I wanted to have more interaction with friends and other adults in general, I just didn’t want to take it too far.

I knew that it would be a sacrifice but, I was positive that this is what I wanted to do.Β  I didn’t (and still don’t know) for how long but, I knew I had to find a way to thrive and succeed in this role I have taken on.

Here are my top 8 tips for thriving as a stay-at-home mom :



Even if you are crazy busy with how much you have to do for your little one, it makes a big difference mentally to get you and your children dressed every single day.Β  This is part of the self-care that you so desperately need as a stay-at-home mom.

There are definitely days where it seems to be too much work to get everyone ready & out of the door. I will be the first one to admit that there are many days where I stay in my pajamas and you know what? It is OKAY! Just try and not make it a habit.Β  However, there is something that happens mentally that encourages you when you take care of yourself and get ready for the day.


This literally gave me life in every way.Β  There are so many places where you can connect with other mothers in your area that is able to relate to the different demands you have within your day.Β  Some places that I found my greatest friends are: library storytimes, local mom playgroups that I found on the internet, and my local mom groups.Β  There are so many local events and websites designed for us, you just have to get out and go! Here’s a blog post I wrote about making new mom friends and some websites that can be helpful to you.Β  Everyone is looking to connect so, it’s not hard to make a new friend.Β  Just initiate a simple conversation and say β€œHi”! I mean you really have nothing to lose.


Staying in the house can make you feel like your world is closing in and all you do is care for other human beings all day long.Β  Getting out always helps me feel rejuvenated and refreshed from all of my responsibilities and it’s usually just as good for me as it is for my son.Β  Whether you just go for a walk or to browse the isles of Walmart, get outside!Β  Being around other people can completely change your day. There are times where just taking a walk around the block helps me so much!


Having a schedule that you follow throughout your day as a stay-at-home mom is so helpful with being and feeling productive.Β  I personally really needed to look at my new role the same as any job I would have.Β  So, I have tasks that I need to complete every day and times where I need to do a variety of things.Β  This was super helpful in the baby stage with naps, feedings, snack time, playtime, etc. Sticking to a routine is essential to thriving at being a stay-at-home-mom. Not only does it help your children to have a routine but it does the same for you.


Stay-at-home moms do not get lunch breaks, and many of us tend to feel that our job spans the entire 24 hour period of a day.Β  It’s so helpful to schedule in down time for yourself throughout the day.Β  I try and give my son his tablet for an hour during the day and during this time I eat, get a bit of blogging done, or just clean! I schedule out in blocks and I literally write everything down. As much as I love the unstructured approach to parenting, sometimes you just need some ME time and for me, that has to sort of be scheduled. This will refresh you to take in the rest of the day.


I love my seriously love my sleep but trust me, I am not a morning person and I know kids already get up at the crack of dawn but it helps so much. You can take a shower, maybe put on a little relaxing music, and have a small moment of peace to yourself. When your kids wake up, you won’t be mumbling and rushing and wishing you could sleep in… You’ll have just as much energy as they do if that’s even possible ha!


I am a huge planner most of the time. I like to be organized because we all know that having kids makes your brain work overtime and it’s super easy to forget things. Choose what outfits the kids are going to wear, (and maybe you too), make sure your diaper bag is stocked, and know what activities you are going to be doing the night before you do it. Even if you are just going to the park or staying inside all day, stay at home life is better when planning is involved.


It may seem like because you are at home all day, you are supposed to handle everything by yourself- WRONG! You are not a mom machine and should not be expected to be one! Running a household is not easy and when you add in kids, it becomes nearly impossible. Most people would be more than happy to help you out when you are struggling to make your needs known and reach out to those around you. This was definitely hard for me but my mother comes to visit once a year for two months and you better believe I take all the help I can get. Other times I just tell my husband to tend to something because I am not in this by myself. We are a team and he needs to pull his weight as well.


It sounds cliche, especially when you’re frequently overwhelmed and your stress levels are almost always through the roof. But in the midst of all that, your children areΒ growing up.Β They will never be this small again so enjoy these precious moments while you can! There will be a time where they won’t depend on you for everything. There will be a time when you will miss sticky fingers and mouth, watching them light up when they discover how to do something new, and extra bodies sharing your bed.

No matter what you do, being a stay at home mom will never be a walk in the park. And while you don’t have those eight arms that you so desperately need, doing the things on this list will keep you from drowning in the never-ending responsibilities of a stay at home mom.



  1. These sound like some great tips! I can imagine at times it can be hard being a stay at home and quite lonely.

  2. These are great tips. I’m currently on maternity leave and thinking ahead about going back to work and whether I’d prefer to be a stay-at-home Mum, so this is a helpful read for me.

  3. Great tips. I work from home and it can be tough, but I like it. I just can’t wait up before the kids, because that would be even earlier than I already wake up, and no thank you.

  4. Beth

    These are great tips for staying home with the kids! Parenting is never easy, but it can be awesome.

  5. heatherseeley

    Such a great list! I find getting dressed the hardest πŸ™‚

  6. Ruth I

    I’m also an introvert and i totally agree with you as a mom. These are great guide for a stay at home mom. I’m glad i read this post and i learned alot.

  7. Nikki Wayne

    Nice article. It’s definitely tough to be a mama so does being work at home

  8. Kathy

    These are some really good tips. I have been a stay at home mom since I first had kids. I work from home too, so it’s a big plus for me. I love being able to stay home with my kids.

  9. Tasheena

    I would love to be a stay at home mom. Thanks for sharing these tips.

  10. Catalina

    I think that getting dressed after you wake up it’s very important. It make me feeling better, like I am doing something for me πŸ™‚

  11. Kita Bryant

    There are so many great things you can accomplish as a stay at home mom. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  12. These are the great tips that can help for all of staying home moms. As an introvert person HAVE A ROUTINE. would be my great for me.

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