You’ve got this!
Making friends later on in life is tough as it is but making mommy friends is downright impossible or it seems. I moved to a new state when I got married and knew absolutely no one! After I had J it was lonely and the only support I had was speaking to friends over the phone! It just wasn’t enough, I enjoy play dates, going out for girls nights and dinners, all of which ceased to exist for me! I mean spending time with my husband was great but he works long hours and having girlfriends is just a different ball game altogether. Fret not, here a few ways that I have made other mommy friends and found my Mom Tribe.
As a busy work at home mom, i’ve found it tough to find other mom friends in my area.
Get yourself out there!
- Head to the Library- I signed J up for classes at our local library when he was 10 months old and I haven’t looked back since. Not only are the kids around the same age but most of the mothers are in their mid 20’s to ’30s just like myself, WIN!
- Take our child to the PARK- You would be surprised to know that many other moms at the playground are ready and willing to share tips, contact info and other valuable information with you. Do not be afraid to approach another mom you see first! Remember, we are all in the same boat one way or another as mothers!
- Join a parent/baby class- These days I have been seeing a ton of these! There are Zumbini classes as well as wonderful Play Hooray classes available. These particular two links are for Long Island, to see what’s available in your area just google parent and baby classes! You will be surprised at how much you find!
- Join– There are a plethora of groups catered towards mothers on this site! Sign up and type in your zip code to see what’s available in your area.
- Join MOMS Club- There are chapters all over the country and you will find other moms who will eventually become part of your mom tribe to share information, ups and downs and everything that comes along with motherhood with!
Here are a few more online resources to help you find your mom tribe!
Get that phone out!
Good luck Mamas and get yourself out there!

You wouldn’t think you need helo finding mommy friends, but it can be difficult. Thank you for sharing!
These are great tips and really simple ones to get out there and find some friends when we feel like we will never talk to an adult again! 🙂
Wonderful sites to visit, and great suggestions. I also tried the local YMCA .
I have to agree with the park. There always seem to be moms there alone with their children.
These are all great ways to find new mom friends! I think going to the park or a play area is a great idea! That way both you and your child can find new friends. Thanks for sharing!
These are really great tips for moms! I can’t wait to be a mom 🙂
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