
Fool-Proof Khaman Dhokla

Khaman dhokla is a dish I make weekly at home without fail. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this dish it’s basically a savory steamed chickpea flour sponge cake tempered with spices. My whole family loves khaman so much so that I find myself having to make 6+ trays of them every time we have a family dinner or get together.  In fact, every single time I visit my mom I make a whole batch because she absolutely loves my khaman and my mother is no easy critic to please! It’s super easy to make and the recipe I have come up with is practically fool-proof! You can even make it in the microwave to save time and clean up. Do try it and let me know what you think!

Refreshing Summer Rolls

Refreshing Summer Rolls

Let’s face it, at the start of a new year we all vow to eat healthier, stay fit, lose weight, etc. This summer roll recipe will definitely be one that will allow you to eat healthier. Summer rolls are healthy and delicious! The taste is light, refreshing, and absolutely pleasing to the palate. Making Summer Rolls are a lot easier than you think, and you can get the ingredients easily at Asian stores, and at some regular supermarkets, in the International food aisle. Summer rolls in my household do not last long as everyone eats them up within minutes of me making them SCORE! I hope you enjoy them as much as my family does!