Getting ready for the birth of your baby in itself is harrowing yet exciting-especially if it’s your first baby. Unfortunately, there isn’t a motherhood manual that tells us how to take care of our little ones. I had to learn so much in such a little amount of tie but my biggest concern was to provide him with the utmost care. As mothers, we want what’s best for our babies and one of the things I was concerned about was my babies gut health. Read more about how thankful I am that I found Evivo!
What is Gut Health?
The health of your gastrointestinal system is extremely important to your overall well-being. Largely responsible for the critical functions of the body’s digestive and immune systems, beneficial bacteria in your digestive system have the capability of affecting your body’s vitamin and mineral absorbency, hormone regulation, digestion, vitamin production, immune response, and ability to eliminate toxins, not to mention your overall mental health.” Your gut flora is incredibly important to your overall well-being.
Is your babies gut healthy?
Here’s a fun FACT! Did you know 9 out of 10 infants are missing B infantis, which is the good bacteria our baby needs to develop a healthy gut? However; over the years the good bacteria has disappeared because of things like antibiotics, formula feeding, and C-sections etc, which in turn hinders good bacteria from flourishing- leaving our little ones with a higher risk of metabolic and autoimmune diseases and issues such as:
- Colic
- Allergies
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Eczema
Knowing if your babies gut is healthy can be difficult but there are three questions we can ask ourselves to see if our little one might be one of the 9 out of 10 baby’s missing B. infantis. Yes mom’s let’s just wrap that around our heads for a second!
Fear Not! Take the following test!
3 Question Baby Gut Check
Question 1: Were you OR your baby born via C-section?
Question 2: Were you OR your baby was given antibiotics pre-delivery or post pregnancy?
Question 3: Does your baby have diaper rash OR 5+ watery poops per day?
Moms-If you answered yes to one or more of these questions your babies gut may be in jeopardy. Your babies gut is likely missing the good bacteria B. infantis, allowing many harmful bacteria to thrive. Bad bacteria are linked to higher risk of colic, eczema, allergies, diabetes, and obesity. I for sure worry about when it comes to my child’s future and so should you!
Did you know?
If your baby poops more than 5X a day. The amount your baby poops is a visible signal of “good” vs. “bad” bacteria in the baby’s gut. Babies with more good bacteria have fewer loose poops as they are better able to absorb all the nutrients from breast milk. The more loose stools that baby’s bottom comes into contact with, the more the skin can be irritated leading to diaper rash. I know alot of my mommy friends had this same exact dilemma! Did you?
When bad bacteria is pushed out and good bacteria thrive, baby is more likely to develop a healthier metabolism and a stronger immune system. The first 6 months of baby’s life are full of all sorts of important milestones. Make sure helping baby develop a healthy gut is one of them! Pretty amazing information right mamas?
There’s a solution!
To help reverse this trend, a team of doctors and scientists from Evivo found a way to repopulate the infant gut with this good bacteria. Evivo is the only probiotic clinically proven to restore B. infantis while reducing the potentially harmful bacteria by 80%. In clinical trials, babies consuming Evivo and breast milk had their gut fully repopulated with the good bacteria they need 100% of the time.
My Personal Experience with Evivo
I have been using Evivo probiotics for a few weeks now and have noticed positive change in my son’s overall health. Helping my baby build a strong foundation for gut health early on will help protect and keep him safe from potential metabolic and autoimmune issues down the road. When good bacteria thrives over bad bacteria, it will more likely help my baby develop a stronger immune system and healthier metabolism. Yay to a healthy gut!